咿咿呀呀… 小北極熊夢囈抽動萌翻天
《赫芬頓郵報》(Huffington Post)報導,這隻小北極熊住在美國俄亥俄州的哥倫布動物園,牠11月6日出生,目前體重接近2公斤,體長僅40公分,如同一般小狗大小。影片中,牠不知道做了什麼有趣的夢,咿咿呀呀的發出夢囈,手腳揮動、翻身,可愛模樣讓人融化。
POLAR BEAR CUB UPDATE: At 5 weeks old, the polar bear cub is doing very well; she weighs a little over 4 pounds and measures 16 inches long! Both eyes have started to open as of yesterday, but they are not fully open yet. The care staff says the sound that she makes in the video is of contentment. Her motor skills are improving each day and she has started trying to stand up on all fours, especially when she’s ready for her next meal! She is on six feedings a day, every four hours. The team has been evaluating her daily needs and provides care 24/7.
由 Columbus Zoo and Aquarium 貼上了 2015年12月11日