拜登上任後首次! 蕭美琴進國務院拜會亞太助卿
駐美代表蕭美琴10日與美國國務院代理亞太助卿金成(Sung Kim)會面。(圖擷取自美國國務院東亞暨太平洋事務局推特)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕駐美代表蕭美琴10日與美國國務院代理亞太助卿金成(Sung Kim)會面,是拜登政府自1月20日上任以來,首次進入國務院。美國國務院表示,美方正在致力深化與台灣關係,並稱台灣是民主領頭羊與重要經濟、安全夥伴。
美國國務院東亞暨太平洋事務局(EAP Bureau)10日推文附上金成與蕭美琴在國務院大樓內的合照,表示很高興看到蕭美琴,並形容台灣是「民主領頭羊也是重要經濟、安全夥伴」,美國正深化與台灣的關係。
Great to see @TECRO_USA Rep. Bi-khim Hsiao today. The U.S. is deepening ties with Taiwan, a leading democracy and important economic and security partner. pic.twitter.com/IyZhDTcJGM
— EAP Bureau (@USAsiaPacific) February 10, 2021
I had a good meeting with @USAsiaPacific Acting Assistant Secretary Kim and his able team today, where we covered many issues of mutual interest, reflecting our strong and broad partnership. I also wished the team a happy lunar new year! https://t.co/ibSPhg9SQa
— Bi-khim Hsiao 蕭美琴 (@bikhim) February 10, 2021
Rep. @bikhim appreciated the opportunity to meet with @USAsiaPacific Amb. Kim today. Taiwan and the U.S. share common values and interests around the world. We look forward to further expanding our longstanding friendship and partnership. https://t.co/KR5YgHrLXZ
— Taiwan in the US (@TECRO_USA) February 10, 2021