2個月不見30包零食!超商被海鷗順「嘴」牽「洋」 貼公告籲隨手關門

綜合外媒報導,這隻海鷗名叫史蒂芬(Steven Seagull),6年前開始在多塞特郡(Dorset)1間超商順「嘴」牽「洋」,經常趁店門敞開時用嘴叼走門邊的洋芋片,有時甚至會直接站在門口,用嘴破壞包裝請同類吃。
林戴爾中央商店(Lyndale Central store)店長表示,狡猾的史蒂芬海鷗在過去2個月內就偷走30包左右的零食,「我試圖向當局解釋,我因為一隻海鷗而損失了庫存,他們卻認為這是一個笑話。」
In the UK, a seagull was officially banned from entering a store because it often came in and stole chips.
— Newspaper articles collection (@NewsArticleColl) July 26, 2024
Lyndale Central store workers couldn't stand the impudence of the bird, which stole about 30 packets of crisps over the past 20 months. To fight the feathered thief, at… pic.twitter.com/wDhmT4OXzq