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    《TAIPEI TIMES》 Researcher warns Taiwanese about visiting China

A Chinese flag flutters next to a surveillance camera in Beijing on Nov. 25, 2021.
Photo: Reuters

    A Chinese flag flutters next to a surveillance camera in Beijing on Nov. 25, 2021. Photo: Reuters

    2024/04/29 03:00

    By Chung Li-hua / Staff reporter

    Taiwanese should be mindful when visiting China, as Beijing in July is likely to tighten the implementation of policies on national security following the introduction of two regulations, a researcher said on Saturday.

    China on Friday unveiled the regulations governing the law enforcement and judicial activities of national security agencies.

    They would help crack down on “illegal” and “criminal” activities that Beijing considers to be endangering national security, according to reports by China’s state media.

    The definition of what constitutes a national security threat in China is vague, Taiwan Thinktank researcher Wu Se-chih (吳瑟致) said.

    The two procedural regulations are to provide Chinese law enforcement officers with frameworks to refer to while handling national security cases and making arrests, he said.

    However, the regulations regarding verification or evidence collection are still vague, meaning that Chinese law enforcement officers would have the final say as to whether to detain a person or enter private residences or businesses to conduct inspections, he said.

    Vague messages regarding political issues on mobile phones or computers might be regarded as evidence of national security threats, he said.

    Some are worried that Beijing would use the regulations as tools for political revenge and cases of judicial oppression would increase, he said.

    The regulations include provisions stipulating procedures for the seizure of electronic devices, an academic who spoke on condition of anonymity said.

    Although national security departments could seize and inspect people’s mobile phones in the past, there was no legal basis for the action, the academic said, adding that the newly published regulations provide the authorities with the legal right to do so.


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