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    《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taiwanese must show resolve: VP-elect

Vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim speaks at a forum hosted by the Formosa Republican Association in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

    Vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim speaks at a forum hosted by the Formosa Republican Association in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

    2024/04/14 03:00

    FUTURE LEADERS: Hsiao Bi-khim reiterated William Lai’s commitment to ensuring peace and stability at a forum on the 45th anniversary of the US’ Taiwan Relations Act

    / Staff writer, with CNA

    Taiwanese need to demonstrate their resolve to defend freedom, democracy and the nation’s sovereignty, while increasing the defense budget and accelerating military reforms to garner more support internationally, vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) said yesterday.

    Hsiao made the remarks in a speech at a forum in Taipei on the 45th anniversary of the US’ Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which is a foundation for Washington’s policy toward Taipei in the absence of formal diplomatic ties.

    Hsiao, who is to take office on May 20, reiterated president-elect William Lai’s (賴清德) commitment to his “four-pillar” plan to safeguard peace and stability in Taiwan, which underscores the importance of defense, economic security, partnerships with other democracies and a stable and consistent cross-strait policy.

    Under Lai’s leadership, Taiwan would continue to be a steady and responsible member of the Indo-Pacific region, she told the forum hosted by the Formosa Republican Association.

    Over the past eight years, President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) steady leadership has facilitated “a very smooth channel of communication” between Taiwan and the US and enabled a bilateral relationship built on “mutual trust” and “zero incidents,” Hsiao said.

    Under Lai’s leadership, Taiwan would continue to be a “stable [and] responsible” member of the Indo-Pacific region and contribute to regional prosperity, Hsiao said, adding that this would be “key” to increasing goodwill between the two sides.

    Relations between Taiwan and the US would continue to grow, despite both countries facing new global challenges, in particular Russia’s protracted war in Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas war and China’s destabilizing activities in the region, she said.

    Hsiao said she anticipates more bilateral collaboration in the fields of education, technology and culture, and hopes the US Congress will expedite the legislative process to eliminate double taxation with Taiwan.

    The TRA was passed by the US Congress after Washington switched diplomatic recognition from the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China. It was signed into law by then-US president Jimmy Carter on April 10, 1979.

    The act has served as a legal framework for Washington in guiding its unofficial relations with Taipei, including providing arms to meet its defensive needs.

    Additional reporting by Chen Cheng-yu


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