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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Employers of live-in migrant caregivers eligible for subsidies

Ministry of Labor staff speak with migrant workers after their arrival at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport on Nov. 17, 2021.
Photo: CNA

Ministry of Labor staff speak with migrant workers after their arrival at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport on Nov. 17, 2021. Photo: CNA

2022/12/28 03:00

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Employers of live-in migrant caregivers are eligible for a Ministry of Labor subsidy of up to NT$3,000 per month to cover a wage increase that went into effect this summer, and they should apply for the program as soon as they can, the ministry said yesterday.

The Workforce Development Agency said that the wage subsidies are aimed at covering a NT$3,000 increase in the minimum monthly wage for live-in migrant caregivers, from NT$17,000 to NT$20,000, which took effect on Aug. 10.

The program offers subsidies for employers in low-income and lower-middle income households, and households that are not considered economically disadvantaged.

Low-income households employing live-in migrant caregivers are entitled to a subsidy of NT$3,000 per month for up to three years to cover the wage increase, for a maximum of NT$108,000.

They can apply for the subsidy for any live-in caregiver signed to a contract between Aug. 10 and Aug. 9, 2025, and should submit an application before Aug. 11, 2025.

Employers with high incomes are eligible for a monthly subsidy of NT$1,500 for up to four months, for a maximum of NT$6,000.

They can apply for the subsidy for live-in migrant caregivers who signed new contracts between Aug. 10 and Saturday, and should submit an application before Tuesday, the agency said.

Applicants should provide employment contracts showing that the workers are paid at least NT$20,000 per month and a copy of the passbook cover of the employer’s domestic bank account, it said.

As of Dec. 15, nearly 40,000 employers have applied for the subsidy, said the agency, which issued the first round of subsidy payments on Dec. 5.


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