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《中英對照讀新聞》Not his lucky day - Texan falls in hole on way to buy lottery ticket 不是他的幸運日—德州人買樂透彩券途中掉進洞

2016/01/16 06:00


Luck wasn’t on the side of a Texas man who ventured out to buy a lottery ticket this week.


The 67-year-old Fort Worth man was walking to a store in his neighborhood on Monday, in hopes of winning the upcoming $1.5-billion Powerball jackpot, when he fell through a deep hole at a construction site, landing in water at the bottom, the Fort Worth Police Department said.


The man’s concerned family reported him missing after darkness fell, and during a search of the area, officers noticed the construction hole and found the man at the bottom of the 7-foot opening, police said.


Officers were able to climb into the hole and give the man aid before pulling him to the surface, police said. His identity was not released.


"Because of the quick thinking and dedication the officers exhibited, this man and his family can say they truly won the biggest lottery of all!" the department said on Facebook. (Reuters)



on the side:副詞片語,指做為兼職或副餐、暗地秘密地、站在一起、袒護、腳踏兩條船。例句:He is dating another woman on the side.(他腳踏兩條船,和別的女人約會。)

dedication:名詞,指奉獻精神、題詞。例句:I admire his dedication to the job.(我欣賞他對工作專心致力的態度。)

exhibit:名詞,指展覽、陳列品、證物;動詞,指展出產品、舉辦展覽、陳列、炫耀。例句:The first exhibit was a knife。(第一件證物是一把刀。)

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