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《中英對照讀新聞》German backpacker ’ate flies’ to survive while lost in Queensland outback在昆士蘭內陸迷了路 德國背包客「吃蒼蠅」保命

2014/03/18 06:00


Daniel Dudzisz, 26, was reported missing last month while on a walk between Windorah and Jundah, south-west of Longreach.


He was picked up by a motorist late yesterday afternoon near Cooper Creek at Windorah.


Police says Mr Dudzisz had become lost and was stranded in the bush between two flooded sections of the Barcoo River for about 10 days.


Mr Dudzisz told officers he waded through floodwaters and ate flies to survive the ordeal.


Inspector Henderson says Mr Dudzisz refused medical treatment at Windorah.


Police said last month Mr Dudzisz had been walking for several months through New South Wales and Queensland but had been in regular contact with police.


However, aerial and ground searches over the last few weeks were launched when police had not heard from him when he left Windorah on February 17, where he was believed to be walking 90 kilometres to Jundah.



strand:動詞,使滯留、擱淺。例句:The climbers had been stranded by a storm.(登山客被暴風雨困住了。)

bush:名詞,叢林地、未開墾的荒地。例句:A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.(一鳥在手,勝過兩鳥在林;已到手的勝過未到手的。)

ordeal:名詞,嚴酷的考驗、磨難。例句:The hostages went through a dreadful ordeal.(人質們經歷可怕的磨難。)

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