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《中英對照讀新聞》More housework, less sex for married men: study 研究:已婚男做較多家事,性生活較少

2014/01/02 06:00


The more housework married men do, the less sex they have, according to a new study published Wednesday.


Husbands who spend more time doing traditionally female chores -- such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping -- reported having less sex than those who do more masculine tasks, said the study in the American Sociological Review.


"Our findings suggest the importance of socialized gender roles for sexual frequency in heterosexual marriage," said lead author Sabino Kornrich, of the Center for Advanced Studies at the Juan March Institute in Madrid.


"Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks -- such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance -- report higher sexual frequency."



chores:名詞,例行瑣事,討厭的事。例句:I find writing reports a real chore.(我覺得寫報告真是苦差事。)

masculine:形容詞,陽剛的。如:a masculine appearance/voice,陽剛的外貌/聲音。

heterosexual:形容詞/名詞,異性戀的。如:A heterosexual person.(一名異性戀者。)

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