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《中英對照讀新聞》Stinky corpse flower blooms again at Ohio State 臭屍花再度盛開於俄亥俄州立大學

2013/07/05 06:00


A large rainforest plant known as a corpse flower because of its awful smell is blooming again at an Ohio State University greenhouse, and there’s more excitement because another corpse flower there is expected to open soon.


A 6-foot titan arum opened Tuesday to release its rotting-flesh smell two years after it first flowered. A second corpse flower opened briefly at the greenhouse last May, and a third is expected to open in seven to 10 days.


Despite extended visiting hours, visitors have little time to catch a whiff because the rare blooms sometimes last only a day or less.


Spokeswoman Sandi Rutkowski says having three or four blooms within three years is lucky but also is a tribute to the skill of cultivators at the greenhouse. (AP)



because of something:慣用語,因為,後接名詞。例句:The flight was cancelled because of the heavy snowstorm.(該航班因大暴風雪而取消。)

whiff of something:慣用語,某種氣味,動詞通常是get、catch、have、take或give。例句:Did you get a whiff of the chicken roasting?(你有沒有聞到烤雞的香味?)

be a tribute to:慣用語,…貢獻的證明。例句:This season’s success is a tribute to your hard work.(本季的成功證明你的辛勞貢獻。)

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