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《中英對照讀新聞》Meat-and-Potatoes Spread 應有盡有的大餐

2005/02/23 06:00

US President George W. Bush, true to his Texan roots, laid on a meat-and-potatoes spread for Jacques Chirac as he hosted dinner for the French head of state in Brussels on Monday.


With lobster risotto with truffle sauce as the starter,Bush and Chirac tucked into filet of beef--Frenchified with Bordelaise sauce--accompanied by potatoes, vegetables and “field green salad,” the White House said.


Dessert was even more American--chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. On the wine list were chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon--but it was left a mystery whether they hailed from French or California vineyards.


US fury at Chirac's opposition to the Iraq war prompted some Americans to dump French wines into sewers--and to rename French fries, actually a Belgian creation, “freedom fries”.



meat-and-potatoes:這是一個形容詞,指最基本、最重要或最實際的,譬如 the meat-and-potatoes consideration 指最基本務實的考量。

spread:大餐。spread 作為名詞有很多種意思,當它和食物有關時,通常指可以塗抹在麵包或餅乾上的食品,如 cheese spread(可塗抹的乳酪醬)。但它還有另一個意思,就是指擺滿一桌的大餐。

tuck into something:狂吃痛飲某物。同樣的意思也可以用 tuck in 這個片語表達,如They all tuck in without encouragement.(他們不用人請就狂吃起來)。

hail from:從某處來或住過某處,如He hails from south Taiwan.(他是從台灣南部來的)。


vineyard:酒莊。vineyard 原本是葡萄園的意思,但當它用來指自種自釀葡萄酒的地方時,酒莊一詞更為達意。

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