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《中英對照讀新聞》US governor insists he’s not too fat to be president 美國州長堅稱他沒有胖到不能當總統

2012/12/18 06:00


The governor of the US state of New Jersey, leading Republican politician Chris Christie, says it’s "ridiculous" to think that his being fat would make him a poor president.


Christie is increasingly talked about as a possible candidate to replace President Barack Obama, a Democrat whose final term expires in 2016.


In an interview with ABC television late Wednesday, Christie did not say he would run, but continued to stir expectations. The former prosecutor rose to national prominence during last month’s Hurricane Sandy, which struck New Jersey hard.


Christie, in his trademark blue fleece, was a constant presence on television and caused upset in his own party’s ranks when he effusively praised Obama’s handling of the disaster response just before his reelection.


Christie’s weight and possible related health issues, however, would likely be an immediate issue if he sought the White House in four years.


ABC’s Barbara Walters asked if this meant he couldn’t be president. Christie replied: "That’s ridiculous. I mean, that’s ridiculous. People watched me for the last number of weeks in Hurricane Sandy doing 18-hour days, so I don’t really think that would be a problem."

ABC的芭芭拉華特斯詢問,這是否代表他不能當總統。克里斯蒂回答:「荒謬,我的意思是,那太荒謬了,大家都看到我在幾週前的珊蒂風災期間,好幾天連續工作18小時, 所以我認為那不會是問題。」

He said he had tried to slim down. "If I could figure that out I would fix it," he told Walters. "I’ve had more diets and lost and gained back more weight in my life than I could count."



prominence:名詞,重要、有名、引人注目的聲望。例句:She came to prominence as an artist in the 1960s. (她在1960年代以藝術家的身分嶄露頭角。)

effusively:副詞,熱情洋溢地,過分熱情地。例句:He talked effusively about his love for literature during the interview. (他在訪問中熱情洋溢地談論他對文學的愛好。)

slim down:片語,使身材苗條。例句:She exercises everyday to slim down her thighs and hips. (她為了瘦下大腿和屁股每天運動。)

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