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《英對照讀新聞》£204k on a booze bender ’worth it’ 一場縱飲狂歡花20萬4000英鎊「值得」

2012/04/09 06:00


City currency trader Alex Hope who blew £204000 a night on drinks to celebrate becoming a millionaire told The Sun he has no regrets--because he can earn that in days.


It is the most expensive bar bill in the UK. The epic outlay included £125000 on a bottle of the world’s priciest bubbly. He also shelled out over £60000 on other drinks and paid an £18540 service charge.


But the 23-year-old young whiz kid, who lives in London’s Docklands, insists he is not a show-off. He said:"I was embarrassed because it made me look flash and really I’m not."


"But I promised myself when I became a millionaire I would have a night out. I’ve worked hard to afford it. So why not? I can earn £50000 a day."



outlay:名詞,花費、開支。例句:The outlay on groceries costs most of my weekly income.(日常用品的花費佔掉我每週收入的一大半。)


shell out:動詞片語,付錢。例句:The young man had a car accident after all-night bender and he had to shell out $2000 for car repairs.(這個年輕人喝酒狂歡一整夜後發生車禍,得花2000美元修車。)

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