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中英對照讀新聞/Catching a yawn "a family matter" 被傳染打呵欠是「家務事」

2011/12/22 06:00


Contagious yawning may show the closeness of your relationships rather than your tiredness, say scientists. The fact that it is contagious has never been fully explained, but one theory suggests it is linked to empathy between people.


An Italian study in the journal PLoS One found people were more likely to yawn in response to a close relative rather than just a friend. The finding suggests contagious yawning may have evolved as a way of maintaining alertness within a group.


The University of Pisa researchers observed 109 men and women from a variety of nationalities in their day-to-day activities, and recorded instances of contagious yawning. They found it was most likely between directly-related family members, slightly less likely between friends, and then less likely still between acquaintances and strangers.


The researchers wrote:"Our results demonstrate that yawn contagion is primarily driven by the emotional closeness between individuals and not by other variables, such as gender and nationality."



still:副詞,(強調比較級)更、還要。例句:I’ll meet you at the theatre. No, better still, let’s meet in a pub and have a drink first.(我在戲院跟你碰頭,不,我們在Pub碰頭先喝一杯更好。)

acquaintance:名詞,熟人、(與人)認識。例句:It was at the Taylors’ party that I first made his acquaintance.(我是在泰勒的派對上第一次認識他。)

variable:名詞,變數。例句:The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating, job history, savings and marital status were ignored altogether.(這份資料是根據鄰里分析,但忽略了信用評等、儲蓄與婚姻狀況等重要變數。)

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