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《中英對照讀新聞》The hungry trees that devour everyday objects 吞噬日常物品的飢餓樹

2011/07/11 06:00


You would expect trees to be all bark and no bite but these images show that many have a huge appetite for chewing on everyday objects.


Whether it be motorbikes, cycles, cars, warning signs, fences or even a gravestone, this forest of photos show that they will consume anything in their path.


Although the majority were taken in America, there are several taken at spots elsewhere in the world, including a hungry British tree devouring a central London red post box that was placed too close to its trunk.


The images have become an internet sensation with many logging on to hungrytrees.com to look at them or add their own photos of famished ferns, starving spruces or ravenous rosewoods.


Incredibly, to get to this stage, the trees have usually been slowly eating these items over the course of 30 years.



all bark and no bite:動詞片語,原意為只會叫、不會咬人,或只會虛張聲勢、揚言要做某事,卻沒有實際行動。在本文中用bark另有「樹皮」之意,一語雙關。例句:I don’t think your supervisor will actually fire you, she’s all bark and no bite.(我不認為你的主管會真的開除你,她只是虛張聲勢。)

chew on:動詞片語,嚼食、仔細思考。例句:Just give me one day to chew on your suggestion.(就給我一天時間仔細考慮你的建議。)

ravenous:形容詞,貪心的、狼吞虎嚥的。例句:He has a ravenous appetite for power.(他極為貪權。)

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