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《中英對照讀新聞》Britain’s most expensive dog wedding 英國最昂貴的狗狗婚禮

2011/04/13 06:00

◎ 魏國金

Britain’s most extravagant dog owner has splashed out an incredible £20,000 on giving her pooch the perfect wedding day. Louise Harris, 32, invited 80 guests to the lavish ceremony to watch her Yorkshire terrier Lola tie the knot with Mugly, a Chinese Crested, who holds the title of the UK’s ugliest dog.


Lola wore a £1,000 wedding dress, made by dog clothes designer Michele Ochs, who created all the outfits in the Beverly Hills Chihuahua film, customised with 1,800 Swarovski crystals.


Her outfit was finished off with a £400 pearl necklace, Swarovski crystal leg cuffs costing £250, and finally a Swarovski crystal lead costing £350.


Louise, who owns two other Yorkshire Terriers, Lulu, four, and two-year-old Larry, who acted as bridesmaid and page boy, said: "I wanted Lola to have the perfect day. My dogs are my pride and joy. I enjoy spoiling them because it makes me happy."


Louise ran an online competition on Facebook to find the perfect husband for Lola. She received hundreds of entries but whittled it down to a final six potential partners and was surprised when Lola’s obvious favourite was Mugly, voted Britain’s ugliest dog.



splash︰(英國口語)大手筆花錢。例句︰She doesn’t mind splashing her money about.(她滿不在乎地大手筆花錢。)

finish off︰結束、完成、完全吃光。例句︰You had better finished off your homework before you go to bed.(你最好在上床睡覺前把作業完成。)

whittle down︰削減、削弱。例句︰Profits are whittled down by the ever-rising cost of energy.(不斷增加的能源成本削弱了利潤。)

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