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《中英對照讀新聞》Exam answers handed out with questions 考試答案與考題一起分發

2011/03/29 06:00


University professors have apologised to students after handing out exam papers with the answers stapled to the back.


The geology exam at Manchester University descended into chaos when the error was spotted by a student.


Invigilators dashed around the hall ripping out the answers from all papers - asking the 50 undergraduates to finish the exam.


Some of the second-year students reacted with anger and stormed out before the end of the two-hour test, reports the Manchester Evening News.


The results would have counted towards the final degree mark. But bosses have declared the exam void and students will be asked to carry out another test to complete the course.


One student, who did not want to be named, said: "Some people didn’t realise they had the answers and were angry that others had been given an unfair advantage. It was just a big mix-up."



hand out:片語,分送、分發。例句:The protesters handed out leaflets to passers-by.(抗議人士發送傳單給路人。)

rip out:片語,猛力扯掉、剝去。例句:A single blow ripped out two of his opponent’s teeth.(他一拳擊落了對手的兩顆牙。)


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