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《中英對照讀新聞》Facebook obsession lands man in court 男子著迷臉書吃上官司

2011/02/08 06:00


A woman was so fed-up with her partner’s Facebook obsession that she smashed his laptop with her broom.


Several of the keys went flying from the computer and the ensuing row led to the boyfriend being charged with assault, Gloucester Crown Court was told.


Father-of-four Bruce Yates, 32, had been convicted by magistrates of assaulting Kimberley Hall in the argument and was given a 12-week suspended jail term.


But he appealed against his conviction on an assault by beating charge - and won.


Judge Michael Longman ruled there was not enough evidence to be sure beyond reasonable doubt that any unlawful force was used by Mr Yates during the incident.


According to the prosecution, Mr Yates broke the broom and hit Miss Hall with it, injuring her arm. But he maintained all he did was restrain her from assaulting him by holding her in a “bear-hug”.



land:動詞,使處於、使陷入。例句:His refusal to pay his debts landed him in prison.(他因拒絕還債而入獄。)

fed-up:形容詞,厭倦、受夠。例句:I was so fed-up with the trash on TV.(我受夠了電視上的垃圾。)

beyond reasonable doubt:片語,為刑事法律用語,一般譯為「超越合理懷疑」,也就是指證據的效力要能達到「超越合理懷疑」的地步方為有效,意指「證據確鑿,毫無合理疑點」,換言之就是「毋庸置疑」。

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