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《中英對照讀新聞》South Korean film director makes movie on iPhone 南韓電影導演用iPhone拍片

2011/01/15 06:00


South Korean film director makes movie on iPhone


Acclaimed South Korean film director Park Chan-wook has discovered a new cinematic tool: the iPhone.


The director of South Korean movies "Old Boy," "Sympathy for Lady Vengeance" and "Thirst," said Monday that his new fantasy-horror film "Paranmanjang" was shot entirely on Apple Inc.’s iconic smartphone.


"Paranmanjang’’ means a "life full of ups and downs’’ in Korean. It is about a man transcending his current and former lives.


Park told reporters the new technology created effects because it is new but also a medium the audience is used to.


Park made the 30-minute film with his younger brother Park Chan-kyong, also a director.


The quality of the cinematography is quite good, except for a little shakiness in the beginning. And the fact that the screen is coarse works to the film’s advantage, especially on the night scenes given its life-and-death theme.


Mr. Park’s new work will be screened at nine cinemas nationwide later this month.


新聞辭典 Dictionary

acclaimed:形容詞,受讚揚的。例句:This is a highly acclaimed novel.(這是一本受到高度讚揚的小說。)


coarse:形容詞,粗的,粗糙的。例句:My clothes were made of coarse cloth.(我的衣服是用粗布製成的。)

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