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《中英對照讀新聞》50歲男子被告知自己懷孕 50-year-old man told he is pregnant

2011/01/11 06:00


A 50-year-old man from Birmingham has been sent a letter inviting him to attend a scan to assess the progress of his pregnancy.


Hilton Plettell was asked to visit Norfolk and Norwich University NHS Hospital to find out how long pregnant he was, Sky News reports.


The merchandising manager was told to arrive at the hospital for the ultrasound scan with a full bladder and advised that "sometimes it can show twins".


Plettell said:"I was absolutely flabbergasted. It just came out of the blue. I have seen the funny side of it and all my mates are enjoying ribbing me about it.


"The letter had my correct name, date of birth and National Insurance number so I knew it was genuine and it turns out to be a genuine mistake."


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