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《中英對照讀新聞》Man allegedly drove drunk to police 男子被控酒駕找警察

2010/06/29 06:00


Police in New York state said a man who found a stray dog and needed directions to the animal shelter allegedly drove drunk to the police station.


Monroe police said Oleksandr Nayda, 38, arrived at police headquarters with the stray Rottweiler and asked directions to the nearest animal shelter.


Officers said Nayda smelled like alcohol and registered a 0.17 blood-alcohol level, more than twice the legal limit for driving. He told police he stopped drinking at about 6 a.m.


Investigators said Nayda was also wanted on a driving while intoxicated charge from 2006. They said a new driving while intoxicated charge could turn into a felony if he is convicted on the 2006 count.


Nayda was jailed in lieu of $1,000 cash bail. An animal control officer took the dog from police headquarters to the shelter.



want:動詞,通緝、追捕。例句:The fugitive is wanted by the police.(這名逃犯正遭到警方通緝。)

driving while intoxicated:片語, 酒醉駕車的正式用語,簡稱DWI,intoxicated 意指酒醉的。

in lieu of:片語,以~替代。例句:In lieu of new taxes, Aquino vowed to go after tax evaders and smugglers to boost revenue.(艾奎諾誓言以追查逃稅者與走私者來充實國庫,代替開徵新稅。)

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