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《中英對照讀新聞》Smart beer mat orders refills聰明啤酒杯墊自動通知續杯

2005/10/16 06:00

Fans of non-stop drinking may soon be able to cut down on time wasted ordering refills, thanks to a beer mat that can tell when a glass is empty.


The coaster, fitted with sensors, measures the weight of the beer and sends a signal behind the bar when it's time for a refill. Anxious drinkers can also attract the attention of staff by waving the plastic mat, thanks to a motion sensor.


It was invented by students Matthias Hahnen and Robert Doerr for a project at the University of Saarbruecken in southwest Germany. The device has attracted the attention of beer vendors in North America, including a leading Canadian brewer, according to Michael Schmitz, one of the supervisors of the project.


“They wanted to know if they could use it or make it themselves,” he said. “The prototype cost about 84 euros ($100) to make one but if mass produced, it could be done for around 10 euros.” 。



thanks to:片語,由於;因為。例句:Thanks to your help we were successful. (由於你的幫忙,我們成功了)。

tell : 動詞,本文中意為「弄明白」、「確切地知道」(常與can或be able to連用)。例句:You can't always tell from appearances. (並非總是能根據外表作判斷)。

coaster : 名詞,杯墊,在本文中與mat同義。coaster另一個意思是「雲霄飛車」(roller coaster)。

device : 設備;裝置。例句:The television receiver is an electronic device. (電視接收器是一種電子裝置)。

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