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《中英對照讀新聞》Australia pledges $7.8 mln for native languages 澳洲矢言砸780萬美元拯救原住民語言

2009/09/19 06:00


Australia has pledged 7.8 million US dollars this year to help save more than 100 indigenous languages which are in grave danger of dying out.


Arts Minister Peter Garrett said the money would be spent on translation services, tests for children and a feasibility study for a national centre for Aboriginal languages.


"These languages are... a significant part of Australia’s heritage and we must ensure they are protected for the benefit of future generations," Garrett said.


"A focused and coordinated national approach is critical to safeguard indigenous culture and save these unique languages."


Australia has 145 languages and dialects with 110 at risk, according to a 2005 report, as they are often spoken only by small groups of over-40s. About 30,000 people are currently studying indigenous languages around the country.


Native Australians account for about two percent of the population and typically live in small settlements scattered around the continent-sized nation.



indigenous:形容詞,土生土長的(並非外來的)、在地的,如 This plant is indigenous to Taiwan.(這種植物是台灣土生土長的。)

aboriginal:形容詞,原始的,土著的;名詞,原住民。例句:There are many aboriginal descendant families living here.(這裡住有很多原住民後裔家庭。)

account for:(數量、比例等方面的)佔。例句:It accounts for 40 percent of all traffic accidents.(這佔所有交通事故的4成。)

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