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《中英對照讀英文》Woman eyes skydive record over Everest 一名女子打算創造跳傘飛越聖母峰的紀錄

2008/09/14 06:00


Woman eyes skydive record over Everest


A British woman plans to make a parachute jump over Mount Everest hoping to become the first woman ever to skydive over the world’s highest peak, organizers said Sunday.


Holly Budge, 29, plans to throw herself out from 465 feet above Everest, hurtling past it, before landing in a mountain meadow at 12,350 feet.


She plans to attempt her dive in October after taking off from an airstrip in Syangboche in the Khumbhu region of northeast Nepal, home to Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak at 29,035 feet.


"I’m excited, confident, scared, all in one," Budge said by e-mail from Britain.


Budge said she has done lots of skydiving before, including from small planes, balloons and helicopters. "But this is going to be completely different from anything I’ve done before," she said.



skydive:動詞,跳傘。跳傘的動詞英文一般常用「parachute」,skydive雖然也是跳傘,但更強調開傘前的急速下滑,因此又有人稱做「天潛」(sky + dive)。

throw someone out:片語,把某人丟出去,本文的throw herself out意思是把自己從飛機上丟出去,也就是跳出飛機。

hurtle:動詞,猛衝、飛馳。He hurtled past the checkpoint. (他飛也似地繞過了檢查哨)

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