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《中英對照讀新聞》Murder victim reappeared years after murderer's execution 謀殺案被害人在兇手伏法多年後出現

2005/06/24 06:00

◎ 張其賢

A woman thought to have been murdered in the 1980s has reappeared in China, 16 years after the man convicted of killing her was executed.


It was the second case in two months in which a "murder victim" has been found alive after police and judicial officials allegedly used torture and forced confessions to convict the suspected murderers.


Teng Xingshan was convicted of the April 1987 murder of a woman believed to be Shi Xiaorong in Mayang county in the central province of Hunan. He was executed in January 1989, despite pleas of innocence and accusations that a confession was beaten out of him.


But the corpse was misidentified. His alleged victim, Shi, who once worked in Mayang county, has reappeared in her home town in Guizhou province. She has claimed that she never met Teng and urged the Hunan judiciary to rectify the case and declare his trial a miscarriage of justice.




convict:動詞,定罪。例句:If Michael Jackson was convicted of child molestation, he could go to prison for many years.(如果麥可‧傑克森被判定猥褻兒童罪成立,他可能坐上許多年的牢)。

torture:名詞,刑求。例句:Despite that international law unequivocally and absolutely prohibits torture in all circumstances, it still occurs in dictatorships as well as democracies.(雖然國際法明確絕對地禁止在任何情況下使用刑求,它仍在獨裁國家以及民主國家中發生)。

miscarriage of justice:片語,誤審。例句:The case of Su Chien-ho, Liu Bing-lang and Chuang Lin-hsun was widely regarded as a miscarriage of justice.(蘇建和、劉秉郎和莊林勳案,被廣泛視為一樁誤審)。

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