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中英對照讀新聞》The city made him hide his boat — so he had it painted on his fence 市府強迫他把船遮掩起來—所以他找人把船畫在柵欄上

2024/10/18 05:30



When the city of Seaside, Calif., ordered resident Etienne Constable to conceal the boat in his driveway, he came up with this clever solution.


But the puckish way he complied — hiring his artist neighbor to paint a realistic mural of the same exact boat on his fence — has brought him viral attention.


“We kind of hit the sweet spot between following the rules and making an elegant statement to the contrary,” says Constable.


Constable has lived in the same house in Seaside for 29 years. For most of that time, his boat trailer — often with a boat attached — has sat in his driveway without issue.



come up with something:片語動詞,想出,提出(主意或計畫)。例句:No one knew who came up with this great idea.(沒人知道這個好主意是誰想出來的。)

hit the sweet spot:俚語,擊中最佳點;或達到某事物最有效或最有益的點、區域或範圍;恰到好處。例句:Human resource management is all about hitting the sweet spot where employees are fulfilled in their work without feeling like they’re being exploited.(人資管理就是要達到讓員工在工作上獲得滿足感,而又不覺得自己被剝削的最佳狀態。)

to the contrary:片語,正相反的,恰恰相反的。

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