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中英對照讀新聞》One of the world’s largest diamonds found in Botswana波札那發現全球數一數二大鑽石

2024/10/16 05:30



One of the world’s largest diamonds ever unearthed - a rough 2492-carat stone - has been found in Botswana, a Canadian mining company that discovered the gem announced Thursday.


The diamond was found in the Karowe Diamond Mine in northeastern Botswana, Lucara Diamond Corp. said in a statement.


In terms of carats, the stone appears to be not far behind the largest gem-quality diamond ever mined, the 3016.75-carat Cullinan Diamond discovered in South Africa in 1905.


"We are ecstatic about the recovery of this extraordinary 2492 carat diamond," Lucara president and CEO William Lamb said in the statement.


This find was "one of the largest rough diamonds ever unearthed", the statement said. (AFP)



unearth:動詞,挖掘、發掘。例句:The archaeologists unearthed ancient artifacts.(考古學家挖掘出古文物。)

ecstatic:形容詞,極度欣喜的。例句:She was ecstatic when she won the lottery.(她中獎時欣喜若狂。)

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