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中英對照讀新聞》‘Phantom bridge’ in Hokkaido still on verge of collapse 北海道「幻之橋」仍處於崩塌邊緣

2024/10/11 05:30


◎ 張沛元

The ethereal Taushubetsugawa bridge here, known as the "phantom bridge" because it disappears under the water, remains in danger of collapsing with the harsh winter season just around the corner.


The 11 arches of the bridge, on which the Shihoro Line trains of the former Japanese National Railways once ran, have been rapidly deteriorating over the past several years. But the decaying structure remains a popular site for tourists and photographers.


Every year, the bridge slowly disappears beneath the water starting around May, when snowmelt and other factors cause the water level of the dam to rise. The bridge begins to reappear around January, as the water level recedes.



in danger of :片語,處於…危險之中。例句:The country is in danger of a civil war.(這個國家正面臨爆發內戰之虞。)

(just) around the corner:慣用語,不遠;就在附近;即將來臨。例句:With Halloween just around the corner, many people do have decorative pumpkins on their porches and in their yards.(萬聖節即將來臨,許多人的門廊與院子裡都有裝飾性南瓜。)

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