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中英對照讀新聞》Chinese runner’s win invites suspicion after rivals appear to step aside 對手明顯退讓 中國跑者獲勝遭質疑

2024/06/28 05:30



Chinese runner He Jie’s victory Sunday in the Beijing Half Marathon is facing a probe after his win was called into question by Chinese internet users because a trio of African runners appeared to deliberately slow down to let him win.


A video clip of the finish to the race shows Kenya’s Willy Mnangat turn toward He and gesture him to move ahead as the four men run neck and neck just meters from the finish line.


Former 5km world record-holder Robert Keter, also of Kenya, then appears to wave at He to overtake the pack while signaling for his compatriot and Ethiopia’s Dejene Hailu to hang back.



call into question:慣用語,遭質疑。例句:The fact that a candidate can be elected by a minority of the electorate calls into question of the country’s electoral system.(僅獲少數選民支持的候選人即可當選此一事實,令人質疑該國的選舉制度。)

neck and neck:(在比賽中)旗鼓相當,不相上下。例句:Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is neck and neck or narrowly leading Biden in many national and battleground state polls.(共和黨準總統候選人川普在許多全國性與搖擺州的民調中,與拜登旗鼓相當或微幅領先。)


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