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中英對照讀新聞》Dining hall with Trojan War decorations uncovered in Pompeii 龐貝古城挖掘出以特洛伊戰爭裝飾的飯廳

2024/05/05 05:30


◎ 林家宇

A black-walled dining hall with 2,000-year-old paintings inspired by the Trojan War has been discovered during excavations at the Roman city of Pompeii, authorities said on Thursday.


The size of the room - about 15 metres long and 6 metres wide - the quality of the frescoes and mosaics from the time of Emperor Augustus, and the choice of characters suggest it was used for banquets, Pompeii Archaeological Park said.


Pompeii and the surrounding countryside was submerged by volcanic ash when Mount Vesuvius exploded in AD 79, killing thousands of Romans who had no idea they were living beneath one of Europe’s biggest volcanoes.


According to Greek mythology, Cassandra predicted the Trojan War after receiving the gift of foresight from Apollo, but no-one believed her. This was because of a curse Apollo put upon her for refusing to give herself to him.



quality:名詞,特性、素質。例句:Everyone in the department recognized John’s quality of leadership.(部門內的每個人都認可約翰的領袖特質)

predict:動詞,預言、預測。例句:No one can actually predict the result of this president election.(沒人能夠真正預測本次總統大選的結果)

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