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中英對照讀新聞》Luck strikes twice for Kentucky couple who lost, then found, winning lottery ticket好運二度臨門 肯塔基州夫婦中獎彩券失而復得

2024/03/09 05:30



Luck struck twice for a Kentucky couple who thought they lost a winning Powerball ticket.


The Bowling Green couple found out in November that they had won $50,000 but couldn’t find the ticket they had purchased about a week before, the Kentucky Lottery said in a news release.


Mark Perdue said the owner congratulated him when he walked into the convenience store.


“I’ve been beating myself up for three months thinking I threw this ticket away,” his wife said.


Then in February, Perdue, who is president of Kiriu USA, went to check out the condition of a company car and saw the ticket inside.


“I don’t know how long it might have sat out there if I hadn’t needed the car,” Perdue said. “I was shaking a little bit.”



beat oneself up:片語動詞,指毆打、虐待、過份怪罪苛求自己。例句:Don’t beat yourself up; just try again.(別太怪罪自己。)

shake:動詞,指搖動、打顫、發抖、攪拌、跳動、拍打。例句:Her voice shakes.(她的聲音顫抖。)

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