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中英對照讀新聞》’Oppenheimer’ to screen in Japan next year after nuclear controversy核子爭議後奧本海默明年將在日本上映

2023/12/10 05:30


◎ 林家宇

Universal Pictures’ "Oppenheimer" will screen in Japan next year, a local distributor said on Thursday - a launch that had been in doubt amid criticism that the film largely ignores the devastation of the atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The Christopher Nolan-directed biopic about atomic bomb pioneer J. Robert Oppenheimer has grossed over $950 million globally since its July opening.


The film will open in Japan in 2024, distributor Bitters End said in a statement, noting that the movie is "considered a front runner for various film awards."

發行商Bitters End聲明指出,奧本海默將於2024年在日本上映,描述該片被視為多個電影獎項的有力競爭者。

Many Japanese were also offended by a grassroots marketing campaign linking the movie to "Barbie" another blockbuster that opened around the same time, with fan-produced images of the films’ stars alongside images of nuclear blasts.



devastation:名詞,毀滅性、嚴重破壞性。例句:The Black Death in the 14th century caused widespread devastation in Europe.(14世紀的黑死病對歐洲造成廣泛的毀滅性後果)

grassroots:名詞,基層、草根。例句:The government’s education policy was hard to get the grassroots’ support.(政府的教育政策難以獲得基層支持)

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