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中英對照讀新聞》Norway is rebuilding a reindeer fence at the border to stop the animals’ strolls into Russia 挪威重建邊境柵欄 阻止馴鹿闖入俄羅斯

2023/12/07 05:30



Norway is rebuilding a dilapidated reindeer fence along its border with Russia in the Arctic to stop them from wandering into the neighboring country — costly strolls for which Oslo has to compensate Moscow over loss of grassland.


The reindeer barrier along the Norway-Russia border spans 150 kilometers and dates back to 1954.


The work is a challenge, however, as the workers have to stay on the Norwegian side of the border "at all times" during construction. If a worker crossed into Russian territory, without a Russian visa, that would amount to illegal entry.


Russia has sent two compensation claims, the Norwegian Agriculture Agency said.(AP)



dilapidated:形容詞,破舊的。例句:We were forced to stay in a dilapidated hotel.(我們被迫入住一家破舊的飯店。)

stroll:名詞或動詞,散步、溜達。例句:Strolling in the country relieves the anxious salaryman.(在鄉間散步讓這名焦慮的上班族感到放鬆。)

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