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中英對照讀新聞》Endangered red wolf can make it in the wild 瀕危紅狼能在野外生存

2023/10/23 05:30



The endangered red wolf can survive in the wild, but only with “significant additional management intervention,” according to a long-awaited population viability analysis released Friday.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also released an updated recovery plan Friday for “Canis rufus” — the only wolf species unique to the United States. It calls for spending nearly $328 million over the next 50 years to get the red wolf off the endangered species list.

美國魚類和野生動物管理局週五還發佈一份最新的「Canis rufus」(紅狼學名)恢復計畫,這是美國唯一獨有特狼種。該局呼籲在未來50年花費近3.28億美元,將紅狼從瀕危物種名單中除名。

But the announcement comes with a lot of caveats. The viability analysis says it will take drastic reductions in gunshot and vehicle deaths, stepped-up efforts to prevent wolf-coyote mixing, and creative methods to increase reproduction in the wild and captive wolf populations.



viability:名詞,可行性、可望成功、可以存活。例句:Rising costs are threatening the viability of many businesses.(不斷上漲的成本正在威脅許多企業的生存。)

caveat:名詞,警告。例句:The look of doubt on his face prompted me to repeat the caveat.(他臉上疑惑的表情讓我再重複說一次警告。)

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