中英對照讀新聞》Abercrombie & Fitch is cool again A&F又酷了
美國品牌Abercrombie & Fitch在放棄打赤膊男模等宣傳噱頭後起死回生。圖為該品牌2011年底在新加坡開店時有大批打赤膊的男模在店外秀肉。(歐新社)
Abercrombie & Fitch has shed its perfume-filled mall stores, shirtless models and logo sweatshirts to win over Millennials and Gen Z.
It’s working.
Abercrombie (ANF) said Monday that its women’s segment was on track to deliver its highest holiday sales period ever, and its men’s division was growing, too.
Abercrombie was a staple of teen wardrobes during the 1990s and 2000s. Its sexualized advertising featuring young, shirtless male models turned the brand into a preppy status symbol for high schoolers. And it was proudly exclusionary, refusing to make size XL or XXL for years.
“We go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends,” former CEO Mike Jefferies said in 2006. “Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.”
win over:片語,說服(某人);把(某人)爭取過來。例句:He is too stubborn to be won over on this issue.(他很固執,這件事情上很難爭取到他的支持。)
go after something:片語,追逐,追求。例句:He went after fame and fortune all his life.(他終其一生追逐名利。)
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