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中英對照讀新聞》Schwarzenegger filled a utility trench, not a pothole 史瓦辛格填補的是公共事業壕溝,而非坑洞

2023/07/14 05:30



Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his career as both an actor and a politician. But now he has a new title under his belt: road maintenance worker.


On Tuesday, Schwarzenegger posted a video of himself filling up a hole on a California street, saying he did so because "the whole neighborhood has been upset about this giant pothole that’s been screwing up cars and bicycles for weeks."


However, according to the city, the "giant pothole" that Schwarzenegger said he filled on a street in his Los Angeles neighborhood of Brentwood was actually a trench that had been dug for an upgrade of a gas pipeline system.



fill up:片語,裝滿;填滿;加滿油。

have under one’s belt:慣用語,指已獲致的成就、經驗或閱歷。例句:The actor has lots of awards under his belt.(這名男演員獲得許多獎項肯定。)

screw up:片語,非正式用法,(把事情)搞砸。例句:He screwed up his job interview purposely.(他故意搞砸他的求職面試。)

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