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中英對照讀新聞》French Bulldogs topple Labradors as most popular US breed 法國鬥牛犬打敗拉布拉多 登美國最受歡迎犬種

2023/07/13 05:30



The lovable Labrador Retriever is no longer the most popular dog breed in the United States, as French Bulldogs take over the top spot, the American Kennel Club (AKC) announced.


Labs, which the New York-based registry describes as famously friendly and an enthusiastic athlete, had been the most popular dog breed for 31 years prior to 2022. But Frenchies had been quietly climbing the charts for many years.


The small-dog breed, which like Labs are considered great pets for families, are described as "one-of-a-kind," with their trademark feature being their "large bat ears."


They get on well with other animals and enjoy making new friends of the human variety.


After Frenchies and Labs, rounding out the top five breeds for 2022 were the Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, and Poodle.(AFP)



topple:動詞,(使)倒下。例句:The statue of the dictator was toppled by the protesters.(這位獨裁者的塑像被示威者推倒。)

one of a kind:慣用片語,獨一無二的。例句:My family always said to me: "you are one of a kind."(我家人總是對我說:「你是獨一無二的。」)

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