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中英對照讀新聞》H&M in the red after Russia exit, soaring costs H&M撤離俄羅斯後虧損,成本飆升

2023/05/05 05:30



H&M reported Friday a big drop in profits in 2022, with a surprise loss in the fourth quarter as the Swedish fashion retailer exited Russia and faced soaring production costs.


H&M was among a slew of foreign companies that shipped out of Russia last year after Moscow invaded Ukraine and Western nations imposed sweeping sanctions on the country.


"Our decision to wind down the business in Russia, which was an important and profitable market, has had a significant negative impact on our results," chief executive Helena Helmersson said in a results statement.


The withdrawal from Russia and a cost-cutting program cost H&M almost 2.6 billion Swedish kronor in 2022. (AFP)




be in the red:慣用語,虧空;負債;有赤字。例句:The store has been in the red for some time.(這家店已負債一段時間。)

ship out:片語,(搭船)離開; 送走。

wind down:片語,(使)逐漸結束/停下/關閉。例句:The storm was winding down after several days of heavy rain.(風暴在多日大雨後正逐漸止歇。)

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