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中英對照讀新聞》UK mulls easing visa policy amid labour shortages 英國勞力短缺 仔細考慮放寬簽證政策

2023/04/12 05:30



Britain said Thursday that it was mulling an easing in visa access to help address labour shortages, which have been partly sparked by its tighter post-Brexit immigration rules.


The government adopted a points-based immigration model following its exit from the European Union in January 2021.


"We work... to ensure our points-based system delivers for the UK and works in the best interests of the economy, by prioritising the skills and talent we need and encouraging long-term investment in the domestic workforce," a government spokesperson said.


"This includes reviewing the shortage occupation list to ensure it reflects the current labour market." (AFP)



mull:動詞,仔細考慮。例句:He is mulling your offer.(他正在考慮你開出的條件。)

prioritise:動詞,列出優先順序,優先考慮。例句:We have to prioritise these tasks.(我們得訂出這些任務的優先順序。)

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