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中英對照讀新聞》Farmer: Georgia dog injured saving sheep from coyote attack 農場主人:喬治亞州的狗為了拯救羊群不受土狼攻擊而受傷

2022/12/13 05:30



A Georgia sheepdog is recovering at home two days after killing a pack of coyotes that attacked his owner’s flock of sheep.


Casper, a 20-month old Great Pyrenees, fought off a pack of coyotes who were threatening his sheep farm, farmer John Wierwiller said. The fight lasted longer than half an hour, left eight coyotes dead and bloodied Casper, with skin and part of his tail torn off.


He scampered off after the fight but returned home injured two days later.


“He was kinda looking at me like, ‘Boss, stop looking at how bad I look, just take care of me,’” Wierwiller said.

魏爾威勒說:「他看著我的眼神就像是,『老大,別再看我糟到不行的樣子,只要照顧好我就好了』! 」

LifeLine Animal Project has raised more than $15,000 for the sheepdog’s hospital bills.



fight off:片語,擊退、竭力克服。例句:The woman managed to fight off her attackers.(這名婦女設法擊退攻擊她的人。)

scamper off:片語,奔逃。例句:I shouted and the dog scampered off.(我大叫一聲,這隻狗就奔逃了。)

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