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中英對照讀新聞》Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years 皮特‧蒙德里安藝術作品上下顛倒展出75年

2022/12/07 05:30



An artwork by the abstract Dutch painter Piet Mondrian has been hanging upside down in various galleries for 75 years, an art historian has said.


Despite the recent discovery, the work, entitled New York City I, will continue to be displayed the wrong way up to avoid it being damaged.


It has hung at the art collection of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf since 1980.


Curator Susanne Meyer-Büser noticed the longstanding error when researching the museum’s new show on the artist earlier this year, but warned it could disintegrate if it was hung the right side up now.



upside down:片語,顛倒的,大混亂。例句:The tragedy turned his life upside down.(這場悲劇使他的人生天翻地覆。)

the wrong way up:片語,上、下顛倒在錯誤的位置。例句:The picture was hung the wrong way up.(這張照片上下掛反了。)

disintegrate:動詞,瓦解,分崩離析。例句:The sex scandal disintegrated their marriage.(這起性醜聞造成他們婚姻破裂。)

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