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中英對照讀新聞》San Francisco Considers Allowing Use of Deadly Robots by Police 舊金山考慮允許警方使用致命機器人

2022/12/04 05:30



The San Francisco police could use robots to deploy lethal force under a policy advanced by city supervisors on Tuesday that thrust the city into the forefront of a national debate about the use of weaponized robots in American cities.


In 2016, the Dallas Police Department ended a standoff with a gunman suspected of killing five officers by blowing him up with a bomb attached to a robot in what was believed to be the first lethal use of the technology by an American law enforcement agency.


Supporters of the policy, advanced by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors by an 8-to-3 vote, said it would allow the police to deploy a robot with deadly force in extraordinary circumstances, such as when a mass shooter or a terrorist is threatening the lives of officers or civilians.


To become law, the policy must be approved again by the board — which is slated to consider it on Dec. 6 — and be signed by Mayor London Breed, a Democrat who has expressed support for the proposal.




forefront:最前部、最前面、前線、(活動、興趣等的)中心。例句:When summer hits, keeping cool is at the forefront of most people’s minds.(當夏日來襲,避暑是大多數人的首要課題。)

standoff:名詞,僵局、對峙、(比賽的)和局。例句:The political standoff led to a six-month delay in passing this year’s budget.(政治僵局導致今年預算延遲6個月通過。)

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