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中英對照讀新聞》Dream job: the Japanese man who gets paid to do nothing夢幻工作:一位日本人藉由無所事事賺錢

2022/11/06 05:30



Shoji Morimoto has what some would see as a dream job: he gets paid to do pretty much nothing.


The 38-year-old Tokyo resident charges 10,000 yen per booking to accompany clients and simply exist as a companion.


"Basically, I rent myself out. My job is to be wherever my clients want me to be and to do nothing in particular," Morimoto told, adding that he had handled some 4,000 sessions in the past four years.


His job has taken him to a park with a person who wanted to play on a see-saw. He has also beamed and waved through a train window at a complete stranger who wanted a send-off.


Before Morimoto found his true calling, he worked at a publishing company and was often chided for "doing nothing".


"I started wondering what would happen if I provided my ability to ’do nothing’ as a service to clients," he said.



companion:名詞,同伴。例句:George is Frank’s ideal travelling companion.(喬治是法蘭克的理想旅伴。)

session:名詞,場、節。例句:There will be two training sessions this Friday.(本周五有兩堂培訓。)

calling:名詞,職業、責任感、使命感。例句:Medicine is a very worthy calling.(從醫是非常高尚的職業。)

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