中英對照讀新聞》Champanillo name spells bubble trouble for Barcelona tapas bars (Champanillo之名預示巴塞隆納小酒館的麻煩)
A Barcelona tapas bar chain lost a European Union court dispute with French wine makers over its use of the name “Champanillo” and a logo of two clinking Champagne glasses.
An EU protection for the name Champagne also shields it against the use of similarly sounding names, the EU’s Court of Justice ruled .
EU court challenges over other producers’ use of protected names for food and beverages aren’t rare. What’s new in this case is the use of a name similar to Champagne by a service provider.
The court ruled that the EU protection covers other products and services and aims to “assure consumers that agricultural products bearing a registered geographical indication have certain specific characteristics.”
spell trouble:片語,預示著麻煩。例句:The performance report spells trouble for us.(這份績效報告預示我們將有麻煩。)
challenge:動詞,表示異議,反對,質疑。例句:The findings of this research are open to challenge.(這項研究的結果遭到質疑。)
bear:動詞,具有、帶有。例句:The latest attack bore the hallmarks of Al Qaeda group.(這場最新的攻擊有「開打」組織的特徵。)
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