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中英對照讀新聞》How major South Korean airlines made profits during pandemic 南韓主要航空公司如何在疫情期間求取利潤

2020/08/16 05:30



South Korea’s flag carriers Korean Air and Asian Airlines surprised the market last week by posting an operating profit in the second quarter, while major airlines across the world suffered heavy losses due to the pandemic.


Korean Air reported an operating profit of 148.5 billion won while Asiana saw its figure top 100 billion won, both owing to their robust cargo businesses.


"The performance of both airlines is commendable as they responded quickly. I was skeptical when I first heard Korean Air’s decision to deploy passenger jets for their cargo service. It looks like it’s worked while other airlines didn’t consider the option," said Hurr Hee-young, a professor at Korea Aerospace University.



owing to:片語,由於、因為。例句:Owing to the rain the concert has been cancelled.(這場演唱會已因雨取消。)

robust:形容詞,強健、茁壯、堅固、耐用、結實的。例句:The country’s political system has continued to be robust in spite of its economic problems.(儘管發生經濟問題,該國的政治制度仍持續強健。)

commendable:形容詞,值得讚美、推崇、欽佩、稱道的。例句:The tone of his speech was commendable.(他演說的語調令人欽佩。)

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