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《中英對照讀新聞》Boy’s balloon finds pen-pal:Britain’s Queen 男孩的氣球找到筆友:英國女王

2007/06/18 06:00


A 4-year-old British boy who released a balloon with a message hoping to find a pen pal in a foreign land ended up having a correspondence with the Queen.


Tom Stancombe let go of his helium balloon in Hampshire, west of London, but rather than flying across to France or half way around the world, it ended up just 20 miles(32 km) away, landing inside Windsor Castle, the Daily Mail reported.


The Queen instructed her personal assistant to reply and so the monarch and the boy, helped by his parents, exchanged a series of letters, mostly about the fact that one of the boy’s ancestors, an artist, had works in the royal art collection.


"She(the Queen) was delighted to find that your balloon had travelled all the way to the gardens at Windsor Castle," the monarch’s assistant wrote.


Asked if he thought his son would be exchanging any more letters with the Queen, Tom’s father said:"I don’t expect we’ll get another one, but I think it’s incredible they bothered replying at all."



let go:放手,放棄。例句:Let go of my hand!You’re hurting me!(放開我的手!你弄痛我了!)

bother:動詞,麻煩,費心。例句:Don’t bother to say goodbye to me before you leave.(你走之前別費心來和我說再見了。)

at all:絲毫,根本。例句:I don’t trust her at all.(我一點也不相信她。)

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