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《中英對照讀新聞》BTS to take extended break - 韓「防彈少年團」將休長假

2019/08/18 05:30

圖為南韓流行音樂天團「防彈少年團」受「美國廣播公司」(ABC)招牌節目之一的「早安美國」(Good Morning America)之邀,於5月15日在美國紐約中央公園「蘭姆西運動場」(Rumsey Playfield)舉行的「夏日舞台」(SummerStage)音樂節中演出。(美聯社檔案照)


K-pop sensation BTS will take an extended break from the music scene to allow its members to "enjoy the ordinary lives of young people in their 20s, albeit briefly" the group’s agency said Monday.


"This period of rest will be an opportunity for the members of BTS, who have relentlessly driven themselves toward their goal since their debut, to recharge and prepare to present themselves anew as musicians and creators," Big Hit Entertainment said on Twitter.

BTS的經紀公司「Bit Hit娛樂」推文寫道,「BTS的團員自出道以來,就不眠不休地鞭策自己邁向目標。對他們來說,這段休息的時間將是一個充電,以及再度以音樂人和創作者的身分展現自我的好機會。」

It will be the first time the seven-member band has taken time off since its debut in 2013. It is unclear how long the break will be.



sensation:名詞,感(知)覺、轟動(的事件、人物)。例句:The book has been a publishing sensation.(這本書已在出版界引起轟動。)

relentlessly:副詞,持續(不懈、接連不斷)地、無情(殘酷)地。例句:We must relentlessly pursue our objectives.(我們必須持續不斷地追求自我的目標。)

take time off:片語、或寫成have time off,請(告)假。例句:I asked my boss if I could take some time off.(我問老闆我能不能請一下假。)

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