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《中英對照讀新聞》Bill Gates Says ICOs And Cryptos Can Be ’Super Risky’ 比爾蓋茲說,首次代幣發行與加密貨幣的「風險極高」

2018/03/05 06:00



Bill Gates took on cryptocurrencies and the future of transportation in an ask me anything (AMA) session on Reddit. And, while he believes innovations in transportation have positive implications, he has reservations over cryptocurrency.


In the post, Gates said the main feature of cryptocurrencies is "their anonymity" - which is not good, he said, because the government needs to track money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist funding. Of course, there’s an issue with illegal drugs too.


"Right now, cryptocurrencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs, so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way," Gates said in the post. "I think the speculative wave around ICOs [initial coin offerings] and cryptocurrencies is super risky for those who go long."



crypto:名詞,加密、加密貨幣。例句:Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten is launching its own crypto.(日本電子商務巨擘樂天推出自有加密貨幣。)

Initial Coin Offering(ICO):名詞,首次代幣發行。例句:An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a way for start-ups to raise money without selling stock or going to venture capitalists - essentially a new form of crowdfunding.(「首次代幣發行」可讓新創企業在募資時無須出售股份或尋求創投業者—實質上就是一種新的群眾募資方式。)

speculative:形容詞,投機的。例句:Foreign exchange is not only a speculative tool.(外匯不只是一種投機工具。)

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