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《中英對照讀新聞》South Korean Army says it will create ’dronbot unit’-南韓陸軍將創建「無人機機器人部隊」

2018/02/25 06:00



During a meeting with lawmakers Tuesday, the Army said it will create "dronbot" battle units for surveillance and combat mission at Ground Operations Command scheduled to be established this year.


Assigned to division-level units and above, the dronbot units would help the military to detect and destroy North Korea’s missile site and long-range artilleries, the Army added. In a report submitted to the lawmakers, the Army said the surveillance drone units can detect precision targets on the battlefield and relay images in realtime.


Through such capabilities, the drones can support the efforts to gather intelligence on the North’s key targets - such as missile launch sites and long range artilleries positioned along the border, the Army added. Combined with the drone units, the battle robots can help human troops engage in dangerous missions such as removal of landmines and detection of chemical weapons.



schedule:動詞,預定、安排。The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow morning.(會議已安排於明日上午。)

relay:動詞,傳(轉)達、轉播、給……換班。I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.(我先被告知這項消息,接著再轉達給其他人。)

position:動詞,部署、擺放。The army has been positioned to the south and west of the town.(軍隊已部署在本鎮南邊與西邊。)

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