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《中英對照讀新聞》Dutch gym to introduce "Naked Sunday" 荷蘭健身房將引進「裸體星期天」

2007/02/07 06:00


Self-conscious about what you wear while working out? A Dutch gym plans to introduce "Naked Sunday" for people who like to huff and puff in the buff.


Patrick de Man, owner of Fitworld gym in the town of Heteren, said he got the idea in part from two of his customers who are avid nudists.


The 70,000-member Dutch Federation of Naturists was curious to see if Fitworld’s plan would work, spokesman Bernd Huiser said.


"We recently conducted a large survey among our members, and most prefer to exercise with their clothes on," he said. "The most popular activities (for nudists) are things you do outdoors, like walking on the beach, or swimming in a lake, or maybe gardening."


De Man said nude exercisers would be required to put towels down on weight machines and to use disposable seat covers while riding bikes. All machines would be cleaned and disinfected afterward.


The first "Naked Sunday" is scheduled for March 4.



huff and puff:(非正式用語)片語,指大聲呼吸、喘氣,如︰We were huffing and puffing by the time we’d climbed to the top of the hill.(等我們爬到山頂時,大家都已經氣喘吁吁了。)huff and puff亦可指大聲抱怨、表達不滿,如︰They huffed and puffed about the price but eventually they paid up.(他們大聲地抱怨價格太高,但最後還是付了錢。)

in the buff:buff原指淺黃色的軟皮革,此(非正式用語)片語則指赤身裸體、一絲不掛,如︰He came out of the bedroom in the buff.(他光溜溜地走出臥室。)

nudist:裸體主義者(相信nudism、認為不穿衣服較為健康、自然的人),如︰a nudist beach(裸體海灘、專供裸體泳客使用的海灘)。

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